A Life Care Group (LCG) is a small group of people who meet to study, share, and encourage one another. LCGs are a ministry extension whose emphasis is to promote NVF’s Love, Grow, Serve mission. LCGs help each member form relationships for accountability, community, encouragement, and spiritual growth. All of our LCGs have a service component as each group takes on various ministry/outreach projects outside of the church. LCGs are a discipleship tool that facilitates building fulfilling relationships and fosters growth in personal faith. Everyone is invited, both believers and unbelievers.
Most Life Care Groups meet Wednesdays but some meet on other days in the homes of members throughout the local area. These groups are considered to be off-site groups. There are also groups that meet at the church campus, in various classrooms. These groups are considered to be on-site groups. Currently, all groups are meeting virtually. To get connected with a Life Care Group click here.